Radiance Boosting Skincare

Hands ups…who looks forward to the days that are filled blue skies and sunshine? Sunshine has been scientifically proven to lift us, to boost our mood and general wellbeing. If only we could bottle it up and have it at our disposal, whenever we need it?

Here at Natural Xtracts, whilst we cannot guarantee sunshine in a bottle, we think we’ve got pretty close. We have 3 products in our Vitamin C range: a Face Cream, Serum and Toner. Each product has a high concentration of Vitamin C, which is known to help brighten, smooth and reduce visible signs of aging.

As part of your routine in the morning and evening, our, souffle like, face cream instantly calms and hydrates the skin. We recommend layering on top of our Brightening Serum, for double the benefit of goodness.

The Vitamin C Brightening Serum offers intense hydration and is jam packed with powerful antioxidants. It also contains UV blocking enzymes to help protect the skin from harmful UV rays (we recommend using a high factor SPF multiple times per day for maximum protection).

If you are looking for a radiant complexion, our Vitamin C and Witch Hazel Facial Toner, suitable for all skin types, can help calm and renew the skin. Your skin will feel refreshed and brighter.

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